
A mostrar mensagens de janeiro, 2008

Jig saw

Part 1 I dare not to dare at all! My puzzle is not complete, pieces are missing, I must find them ... hurry up... some of them don´t match, some of them belong to another puzzle. I still don't see the big picture, and I'm still afraid to imagine it. All I know is that sometimes dreams come true. My life, even though is a lot bigger, isn't great enough. I hope to do more! I have to do more! Unfold my wings and soar into the multible possibilities, still open for me. Piece by piece, I must continue to fullfill my puzzle. I hear the drums, I listen to the wize. Something keeps telling me: Do more... You've got to do more" And I hurry up, because this is my game, my way of being alive. Jig saw, life, quest, search...

Em meu nome...

Em meu nome "não" palavra infame: palavra que impossibilita; que proibe; que impede; que nega o que é; que é o que não chega a ser